Alex Taylor III
2011年7月销量:23,759 与2010年7月相比:增长75% 福特翼虎(Explorer)的成功离不开同系的前辈车型打下的良好口碑。翼虎与当年的福特探路者(Explorer)系出同门,在它身上可以找到很多老一代探路者的血统,因此翼虎一直是紧凑SUV市场上的热门车型之一。不过由于新款翼虎进行了重新设计,因此在它身上已经找不到老探路者的影子。但是全新的外观并没有拉低新翼虎的销量,因此如果不出所料,估计到2013年,翼虎的全球平台或将全面改组。 |
Winner: Ford Escape July 2011 sales: 23,759 Change from July 2010: 75% Here's a model line that succeeds on the basis of familiarity. With its strong family resemblance to the old Explorer, the Escape has been among the most popular compact SUVs on the market. That resemblance ended this year when it got a redesign, but a new look hasn't slowed the aging Escape, which is due to move to its own global platform for a full makeover in 2013. |