Alex Taylor III
红榜之现代索纳塔 2011年7月销量:20,884台 与2010年7月相比:增长17% 要说7月份有什么东西拖了索纳塔的后腿,那就是它的产量赶不上销量。现代(Hyundai)自己有一套成功的法门:消费者先被现代的创新营销所吸引,然后又痴迷于它时髦的造型,最后厂商临门一脚,抛出诱人的建议零售价,消费者们便再也招架不住了。现代现在正如日中天,不过它也应该保持警惕——不久之前,本田也曾风光无限,但很快黯淡了下去。 |
Winner: Hyundai Sonata July 2011 sales: 20,884 Change from July 2010: 17% Lack of production capacity was the only thing holding back the Sonata in July. It has a winning formula: Customers lured by the innovative marketing are captivated by the up-to-the-minute styling and then sold on the appealing MSRP. Hyundai is having its moment in the sun, but it should be wary -- not so long ago, Honda's star was shining just as brightly. |