黑榜之丰田凯美瑞 2011年7月销量:27,016台 与2010年7月相比:下跌23% 凯美瑞(Camry)的销量在7月出现大跳水,不过千万不要上当:经过重新设计的新款凯美瑞将于今年秋天上市,丰田(Toyota)誓要保持凯美瑞在美国市场上的最畅销车型的地位。要知道2012款凯美瑞在方方面面都超过了老款,而价格却与老款持平,甚至更低。不过丰田仍然面临一个重大的挑战——如何降低凯美瑞车主的平均年龄。要知道凯美瑞车主的平均年龄都在60上下,到了这个岁数,让他们在有生之年再次掏钱购车的希望可不大了。
Loser: Toyota Camry July 2011 sales: 27,016 Change from July 2010: -23% Camry took a dive in July, but don't be fooled: A redesigned model is on the way this fall, and Toyota is determined to retain Camry's status as the best-selling car in America. Knowing Toyota, the 2012 version will be better in every way than the outgoing model and cost the same or less. One big challenge: lowering the average age of Camry drivers. When they are 60 years old, it doesn't leave much time for repeat purchases. |