法依笛•爱迪博:移动设备创意明星 法雷德•爱迪博能让移动电话运营商Sprint Nextel成为时尚吗?法雷德•爱迪博是一位训练有素的工程师,曾在IBM和美国计算机公司太阳微系统公司(Sun Microsystems)历练多年。他现年35岁,致力于为Sprint客户创造完美的用户体验。这意味着,Sprint必须积极寻求与手机制造商建立独家合作的伙伴关系【因为Sprint不提供苹果公司(Apple)iPhone手机】。2010年6月,公司的产品团队推出了美国首款接入4G网络的手机HTC EVO 4G。今年早些时候,Sprint还推出了业内首款双触摸屏智能手机Kyocera Echo,之后又推出了美国首款3-D手机。 此外,爱迪博还密切关注日益发展的移动软件生态系统。他的手机上安装有数百款应用程序,此外,他还定期到硅谷考察,了解其他业内热门创业公司都在忙些什么。花旗集团(Citigroup)移动解决方案负责人奥马尔•汗称:“爱迪博对数千种创意进行评估,然后进行筛选,帮助研发并推出这些服务和产品。我认为,他在这方面的表现非常出色。他总在寻找双赢的机会,因此人们非常愿意与他合作。”奥马尔•汗在负责三星公司(Samsung)的产品部时,曾与爱迪博共事。 |
Mobile: Fared Adib Can Fared Adib make Sprint Nextel hip? A trained engineer who cut his teeth at IBM and Sun Microsystems, Adib, 35, is now focused on creating a great user experience for Sprint's customers. That means aggressively seeking exclusive partnerships with handset makers (especially since Sprint doesn't offer Apple's iPhone). In June of 2010, Adib's product team released the first U.S. phone for the next-gen 4G network, HTC EVO 4G. Early this year Sprint launched the Kyocera Echo, the industry's first dual-touchscreen smartphone, followed by the first 3-D phone in the U.S. Adib also pays close attention to the growing mobile software ecosystem. He has hundreds of apps on his phones and regularly visits Silicon Valley to learn what the industry's hottest startups are up to. "I think Fared does a great job of evaluating the thousands of ideas that come at him, filtering them down and helping develop and launch those services and products," says Citigroup mobile solutions czar Omar Khan, who worked with Adib when Khan was head of product at Samsung. "He's always looking for the win-win opportunity, and that makes people want to work with him." |