家常菜女王 Gobble 家常菜 年龄:24 年仅24岁的加尔格名下已经有了两家公司。大三时她在斯坦福大学(Stanford)开办了自己的第一家公司,一家名叫Anapata的求职网站。她在Anapata上花了三年时间,主要业务是把求职的学生与潜在雇主进行配对(主要是在法律行业)。2010年10月,法律服务公司LawWerx出资收购了Anapata。加尔格称,她之所以选择出售Anapata,是为了把精力集中在她的第二家公司Gobble上。不过现在她仍是Anapata的董事会成员。 她目前的这家公司,也就是她的第二家公司Gobble,将顾客与一个庞大的厨师网络连接在一起(虽然他们的烹饪水平参差不齐),使顾客能获得家庭自制的、可以外送的饭菜。加尔格之所以会产生创办这个公司的念头,是因为她自己在吃饭问题上也遭遇过难题。她说:“在Aapata刚创业的日子里,我的饮食习惯每况愈下。”后来父母建议她在旧金山湾区找找家庭自制的饭菜,于是加尔格在Cragslist分类广告网站上发布了一条广告,希望能找到6到8美元一顿的家庭自制饭菜,而应聘者提供给她试吃的饭菜足够她免费吃一个月的了。 现在Gobble已经募集了120万美元的资金,投资者包括商务社交网站LinkedIn的共同创始人、蓝筹股投资人里德•霍夫曼,他定期视察Gobble的发展情况。加尔格的团队有6名核心员工,另外还有大量司机、厨师和配送经理。原谷歌(Google)总部的首席大厨也把他的业务搬到了Gobble上,他每年能从Gobble上赚到的钱达9万美元。今年5月,网站全面推出,目前该公司每月增长高达200%,而且它还想做得更大:Gobble计划2012年1月将版图扩展到美国东海岸。 |
Ooshma Garg Gobble Age: 24 At just 24 years old, Garg has two ventures to her name. She started her first company, a job-search site called Anapata, during her junior year at Stanford. She spent three years working on Anapata, which matched job-seeking students with potential employers, primarily in the legal industry. In October 2010, legal services company LawWerx acquired Anapata. Garg says she sold so she could focus on Gobble, her latest venture, but she remains on the Anapata board. Her second and current venture, Gobble, connects customers with a network of chefs (at varying levels of expertise) to secure home-cooked, deliverable meals. Garg's interest in creating the company stemmed from her own dietary decline. "Starting [Anapata], my eating habits went down the drain," she explains. When her parents suggested she search for home-cooked meals in the Bay Area, Garg put an ad on Craigslist, asking for a home-cooked meal for six to eight dollars -- and got enough audition dishes to eat free for a month. Gobble has raised $1.2 million in funding, led by LinkedIn cofounder and blue-chip tech investor Reid Hoffman, who checks in on the company regularly. Garg heads a team of six core staffers and an array of drivers, chefs, and distribution managers. The former head chef at Google headquarters has moved his business to Gobble and earns as much as $90,000 a year through the site. The company has grown 200% each month since its full launch in May. And the company only aims to get bigger: Gobble plans to hit the East Coast in January 2012. |