留住核心人才 当竞争者纷纷将项目外包给廉价供应商时,利润丰厚的科技咨询公司Fino Consulting却没有这样做;而是反其道而行之,将项目交给公司里具备10至15年相关经验的员工去做,以保证项目完成质量符合标准——而工资也按公司所在地纽约的最高市场价格支付。为了保持客户满意度,该公司鼓励员工运用最好的技术,即使这些技术不同于客户的选择习惯。 公司留住了业内的经营,他们在移动设备领域拥有深厚的知识储备,对iPad以及云计算等都了如指掌,因此获得了许多大客户的亲睐,其中就包括美国阿美拉达赫斯公司(Hess)以及哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS Television)等等。据Fino Consulting预测,该公司2011年的销售额将超越2010年的60万美元,攀升至110万美元。“我们的团队拥有优秀的人才,能够开发出卓越的软件。”该公司总经理布莱恩菲诺•菲诺说。他还透露,“其实我们的客户也一直在试图寻找计时工资更加低廉的合作者,但最终还是选择了我们,因为到最后他们发现我们的价格最公道,产品质量最优秀。” |
Invest in talent While competitors outsourced projects to inexpensive providers, Fino Consulting, a profitable tech advisory firm, kept them in-house, relying on employees with 10 to 15 years of experience -- paid at the high market rates of its home base in New York City -- to ensure that the quality of its work is up to snuff. To keep its developers excited about their jobs, Fino Consulting encourages them to use the best technology, even if it isn't what a client has traditionally chosen. The company's ability to retain key players with a deep knowledge of mobile devices such as the iPad and cloud computing has enabled the small firm to win big corporate clients such as Hess and CBS Television. Fino Consulting projects that sales will increase from $600,000 in 2010 to a projected $1.1 million in 2011. "We have some talented people on our team who produce exceptional software," says Brian Fino, managing director. "Our clients are finding they can go out and get lower hourly rates but keep coming back to us, because in the end, we are less expensive and we produce a higher quality product." |