

 LeahMcGrath Goodman 2011-12-07

    此外,在复杂民事诉讼案专家,西北大学法学院投资者保护中心(Northwestern Law's Investor Protection Center)主任塞缪尔•鲍姆协助下,库图拉斯领导的客户联盟也赢得了明富环球破产案法官马丁•格伦的尊重。格伦法官已经要求破产受托人,休斯、哈伯德和里德律师事务所(Hughes, Hubbard & Reed)的詹姆斯•吉登斯认真听取明富环球客户的意见。“当我第一次告诉法官我是大宗商品客户联盟的联合创始人时,他拿起了一份大约6英寸厚的卷宗,里面全是客户联盟成员的来信,”库图拉斯说。“那些数字给了我们力量。”






 With the help of J. Samuel Tenenbaum, an expert in complex civil litigation and the director of Northwestern Law's Investor Protection Center, Koutoulas's coalition also has earned the respect of MF Global's bankruptcy judge, Martin Glenn, who has directed the bankruptcy trustee, James Giddens of Hughes, Hubbard & Reed to heed the concerns of MF's customers. "When I first told the judge I was co-founder of the Commodity Customer Coalition, he held up a folder about six inches thick, full of letters from our members," Koutoulas says. "Those numbers give us power."

    Before the coalition appeared on the scene, MF customers say they were being ignored, even as their assets dwindled or were returned in sloppy fashion. "The bankruptcy trustee was not interested in working with the customers at all," says one member of the coalition. "Before James came along, there was absolutely nobody looking out for us, despite the fact that what happened to us was totally illegal. In 150 years of futures trading, this has never happened before. No one knew what to do. Everyone was terrified."

    Although Koutoulas has had to put some projects on hold (he'd planned to launch a multi-strategy fund, as well as an equity fund early next year) for now he doesn't mind working 20-hour days and flying back and forth between Chicago and New York.

    Also, if he can get his money back from MF Global, he says he'll be able to report to his clients the fund's best year yet.

    "I am the nicest guy in the world," he says. "But if you cross me, watch out."
