

《财富》 2011-12-27




    5月2日,又传来一个更糟糕的消息。索尼公司的另一个部门索尼在线娱乐(Sony Online Entertainment)透露称黑客已进入了用户信息库,并随即切断了网络服务。黑客们或许还从一个源自2007年的过时数据库中获得了国际用户的财务信息。

    索尼的麻烦并没有因黑客“帽子戏法”的结束而终结。6月份,黑客组织Lulz Security在网上发布了一些零散的数据,称这些数据正是它在侵入索尼网站之后,从100多万个用户账号中获取的。Lulz Security还表示,索尼公司以纯文本形式保存了100多万位用户的密码,而且没有对其进行加密,这一切都是该公司“自找的”。这份声明无疑在索尼的伤口上又撒了一把盐。——朱利安•波比顿

Sony gets hacked -- again and again

    Spring 2011 was a nightmarish time for Sony as it struggled to recover from massive hack attacks on three separate gaming systems it runs.

    Sony disclosed the first hack on April 22, saying that an "external intrusion" had breached its PlayStation Network and its media streaming service Qriocity. A week later, Sony admitted that personal information and maybe credit card numbers had been stolen. Sensitive details for a whopping 77 million customers were at risk.

    On May 2, things got worse. Another division, Sony Online Entertainment, took its Web services offline after revealing that hackers gained access to its databases of subscriber information. Hackers may have also obtained financial information for international users from an outdated database from 2007.

    The hack hat trick didn't end Sony's problems. In June, hacker group Lulz Security posted online snippets of data it said came from a breach of more than 1 million user accounts on Sony's website. Lulz's statement twisted the knife, saying Sony was "asking for it" by storing more than 1 million user passwords in plain text instead of encrypting them. -- Julianne Pepitone
