

Daniel Roberts 2012-01-06


    西克雷斯特赖以成名的著名真人秀节目中,有一部显得与众不同:即《饮食大革命》(Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution)。这档节目由西克雷斯特与英国知名大厨、餐馆老板贾米•奥利弗联合制作,拍摄奥利弗如何改造学校餐厅和其他不健康的美国饮食菜单。







Beyond Kim and Khloe

    Among the reality television Seacrest is known for producing, there's one hit show in his stable that stands apart: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. The program, which Seacrest produced with Oliver, follows the British chef and restaurateur as he attempts to revamp school cafeterias and other unhealthy American menus.

    The program is a far cry from glossy shows such as American Idol, which Seacrest hosts, or celebrity-driven reality fare like Keeping Up With the Kardashians, which Seacrest's company produces.

    Indeed, the Oliver show, which debuted on ABC in 2010, might at first glance seem like an outlier in the otherwise lighthearted (some would say superficial) Seacrest portfolio.

    But it turns out the cooking show, which has since ended its run, is exactly the kind of TV fare Seacrest hopes to keep delivering. "We'll see much more focus on healthy eating in schools and hospitals in the year to come, and I want to continue to produce shows that directly effect change," he tells Fortune. "We've gone too long without addressing issues like child obesity, so to be able to tell those stories and help people through television is a powerful thing."

    Seacrest is also passionate about finding ways to build his burgeoning media business on all platforms, from old-school media such as radio to the web and its various social platforms, including Twitter. "We're seeing platform, technology, and content all converging, and it's happening quickly," he says. "It's exciting to me. There's an appetite for more original content than ever, and I have a company that creates content, whether it's distributed in short form, reality form, live form, or game form."

    In a perfect world, what else would Seacrest like to accomplish in the next five to ten years? "I'd like to make time slow down," he declares. "We're developing heavily in that category."
