庞蒂克Fiero 通用(General Motors)研发这款车的初衷是好的,只是结果事与愿违。通用董事会将这款中置引擎跑车定义为一款“通勤车”。1984年,这款扯得发布会召开时,时任庞蒂克(Pontiac)老板的比尔•霍格兰德对它寄与厚望,亲自来到纽约参加推介会。当时我拉着他到野外进行试驾,我们在西点军校(West Point)附近的某个地方迷了路,午餐迟到了整整一小时。由于性能、可靠性和安全问题,Fiero跑车提前结束了历史使命。现在它的历史地位也只是一件古董,仅供猎奇,而非经典。 |
Pontiac Fiero One of General Motors' good intentions that went awry, the mid-engine Fiero was snuck past the automaker's board of directors as a "commuter car." Excitement was so high that Pontiac's then-boss, Bill Hoglund, came to New York for the introduction in 1984. I took him for a test drive upstate, and we got lost somewhere around West Point, arriving an hour late for lunch. The Fiero's life was cut short by performance, reliability, and safety issues, and is now more curiosity than classic. |