大众-保时捷914 早在大众(Volkswagen)与保时捷(Porsche)合并之前四十年,两家公司就联手研发了这款中置引擎的敞篷跑车。当时无论是大众还是保时捷之前都没有生产过这么古怪的汽车。它于1969年问世,1976年停产,它的长轴距在转弯时提供了非同一般的稳定性,但四缸版的发动机只能泵出80匹马力,略显不给力——要从静止加速到时速62英里需要13秒。后来两家公司因为营销协议的问题分道扬镳了,914跑车也很快淡出了人们的视线。如今一辆914老爷车只需3,000美元。 |
VW-Porsche 914 Four decades before they finally decided to join forces, Volkswagen and Porsche collaborated on this mid-engined, targa-topped roadster that was one of the strangest cars either company ever produced. Built from 1969 to 1976, the 914's wide track provided unusual stability in cornering, but the 80 horsepower that the four-cylinder version put out made it a bit of a slug -- getting to 62 mph required 13 seconds. The two companies feuded over marketing arrangements, and the 914 quickly sank from view. Used models today go for as little as $3,000. |