豪华车再发力 《经济波动,美国人对“豪车”和“超豪车”热情不减》——汽车资讯及市场营销方案服务公司R. L. Polk & Co,2012年1月15日 经济繁荣时期,很多人喜欢用手里的闲钱买一台高端品牌的汽车。比如在本世纪的头10年,凯迪拉克攀登者(Escalades)和路虎(Range Rovers)等豪车的需求出现激增。不过,在经济困难时期,许多追求时尚的买家消失了,只有那些手握大量可支配收入的所谓“百分之一的富人”在四处物色特价车。不过既然经济如此不景气,为何2011年梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)、宝马(BMW)和奥迪(Audi)的销量都出现了井喷式增长呢?看来豪华汽车是一个对经济波动免疫的物种,不论经济是否稳定都能卖出去。 |
Luxury's latest lap "Despite an unsteady economy, America's passion for driving "luxury" and "super luxury" cars remains strong" --R. L. Polk & Co. 01/15/12 In good times, buyers rush to spend their extra dollars on upscale brands. The '00s saw demand explode for Escalades and Range Rovers. In hard times, the aspirational buyers disappear, only to be replaced by one-percenters, flush with disposable income, who swoop in to pick up bargains. If the economy is so shaky, why did Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi all have blowout years in 2011? Luxury cars seem to be impervious to the economy, steady or not. |