重组欧宝 《销量剧减,通用加速欧宝重组步伐》——《汽车新闻》,2012年2月27日 自从1929年买下欧宝(Opel)的控制权以来,通用汽车(GM)就从没停止过修复欧宝品牌的努力。2009年破产危机期间,通用甚至一度想将它卖给菲亚特(Fiat),但最后为了保留欧宝的小型车技术,还是将它留了下来。现在通用已经在着手对欧宝进行新一轮的重组,希望将欧宝的规模缩减至可盈利的水平。不过考虑到欧洲工会的力量,以及工厂关闭可能带来的政治影响,此次重组就好比空手接飞刀,弄不好会伤及自身。 |
Fixing Opel "GM seen accelerating Opel restructuring as sales plunge" --Automotive News 02/27/12 General Motors bought control of Opel in 1929 and has been trying to fix it ever since. The automaker actually decided to sell its German subsidiary to Fiat during the 2009 bankruptcy crisis but changed its mind so it could keep Opel's small car technology. Now GM has embarked on yet another restructuring. But shrinking Opel down to a profitable size, given the strength of Europe's unions and the politics involved in plant closings, is like trying to catch a falling knife. |