7. 通用汽车 本榜的上榜厂商个个都在业界平均水平以上,能在这张榜单上提升两名,这个成就不容小觑。不过通用就算只是保住目前的位子,也得不断努力才行。首先高管层正在为欧宝(Opel)的危机分心,其次一度火热的中国车市正在降温,另外一度大肆宣传的电动汽车雪佛兰Volt的生存能力依然存疑。2012年通用即将发布的主打产品包括一款新的凯迪拉克(Cadillac)以及雪佛兰Malibu(即国内版迈锐宝)。2013年通用还会推出新的“摇钱树”,也就是几款新的全尺寸皮卡和SUV。通用要想保持住现在的势头,这些产品必须都要臻于完美才行。
7. General Motors Climbing two places in this field, where every company is above average, is no small achievement, but the new GM will have to keep running just to remain in place. Top management has been distracted by the crisis at Opel, the auto market in once-hot China is cooling, and question marks about its viability still surround the much-publicized Chevrolet Volt. Key launches coming in 2012 include a new Cadillac and the Chevy Malibu, and 2013 brings GM's money machine, the new full-size pickups and SUVs. All will have to be flawless for GM to maintain momentum.