8. 本田 由第五位一路跌至第八位的本田是榜单上下跌得最惨的一个。不过本田居然没有跌得更惨,也算是奇迹了。本田的高端子品牌讴歌(Acura)基本已经销声匿迹了,它在混合动力轿车上的优势也消失殆尽。而且本田用来维持生计的基本车型——思域(Civic)的设计也将接受紧急大修。凭借高超的生产工艺,本田过去一向拥有自傲的本钱,但现在也得靠磨嘴皮子促销过日子了。更糟糕的是,本田并没有出现一个具有足够远见和能力的领导人,来力挽狂澜于既倒。
8. Honda Falling all the way from fifth place, Honda took the biggest tumble on the list and the wonder is it didn't fall further. Its upscale Acura line is invisible, its lead in hybrid cars have vanished, and its bread-and-butter car, the Civic, has been scheduled for an emergency makeover. Superior engineering used to allow Honda to coast; now it is in the unfamiliar role of having to scrap for sales. Worse, no corporate leader has emerged with the vision and energy to turn this once-great company around.