《廉价中国的终结:颠覆世界的经济和文化趋势》(The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends that will Disrupt the World)一书作者赖恩表示:“眼下的中国消费者信心十足。” 中国需求非常强劲。但是,若要使消费者放心地增加消费,中国政府依然任重而道远。虽然中国的“十二五”规划无所不包,既包括提高对就业问题的重视,又包括加大对社会保障的投入,但规划具体如何落实还有待观察。 译者:乔树静/汪皓 |
"The Chinese consumer is extremely confident right now," says Rein, author of The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends that will Disrupt the World. Chinese demand is certainly robust. But there's still plenty Beijing needs to do to make consumers feel comfortable with spending more. And while China's five-year plan includes everything from a greater focus on jobs to more funding of social safety nets, it remains to be seen how the plan gets implemented. |