日产聆风 日产聆风(Nissan Leaf)电动汽车的销量近来大不如前,仅五月份下跌了55%,只卖出了510台。针对最先尝试人群的销售也停滞不前,而且普通消费者们也发现了电动汽车的局限。日产将在今年9月开始在田纳西州生产电池,希望届时能借此带动聆风的销量。另外,今年12月,日产还将在美国启动一条新的生产线组装聆风。外界对聆风的期望值仍然很高。日产计划今年聆风的销量能比去年翻一番,达到22,000台,明年更将突破6万大关。 |
Nissan Leaf Sales are running at low voltage for the EV Leaf, falling 55% to 510 in May. Early-adopter sales have withered, and ordinary customers have wised up to the limitations of electric cars. Leaf expects to get a lift later this year when it begins battery production in Tennessee in September, and the car itself starts rolling off a nearby assembly line in December. Expectations are still optimistically high. Nissan is planning on doubling Leaf sales to 22,000 units this year and hopes to reach the 60,000-vehicle mark in 2013. |