丰田普锐斯C 普锐斯(Prius C)混合动力掀背车有可能成为继凯美瑞(Camry)和卡罗拉(Corolla)之后丰田(Toyota)最畅销的车型,不过这并不能让它免遭批评。《消费者报告》杂志(Consumer Reports)并没有把入门级普锐斯C列为推荐车型,反而认为这款车“减震差,发动机和车厢噪音大,加速慢”,开起来像一台便宜的微型家轿,而不是一台技术复杂的混动汽车。《消费者报告》给普锐斯C打出了53的低分(满分100),这个分数水平一般都是留给那些做工差、技术落后的SUV的。 |
Toyota Prius C The Prius line of hybrid hatchbacks may have climbed to become Toyota's third-best seller behind Camry and Corolla, but that doesn't exempt it from criticism, as it found out when Consumer Reports failed to recommend the entry-level Prius C model. CR complained that "its harsh ride, noisy engine and cabin, and slow acceleration" made it feel more like a cheesy econobox than a sophisticated hybrid and awarded the C a score of 53 out of 100 points, a rating it usually reserves for clunky, old-tech SUVs. |