7.品牌诱因 俗话说:细节决定成败。根据伯恩斯坦研究公司的调查,大多数欧洲的汽车记者都认为梅塞德斯-奔驰给汽车命名的方法太让人费解。有多少站在奔驰经销店门口的人能说出SL、SLK、SLR和SLS的区别?但是宝马的命名标准却很清晰——1系、3系、5系、7系——数字越大,价格越贵,简单明了。而且宝马的双肾形进气格栅普及到了整个产品线,而奔驰的三叉星车标有的在发动机盖上,有的在进气格栅上,而且光是大小就有两三个版本之多。 优势方:宝马 |
7. Brand cues Little things count. European auto journalists polled by Bernstein Research complained about Mercedes' confusing nomenclature. How many people outside a Mercedes dealership know the different between an SL, SLK, SLR, and SLS? At BMW, the ranking is clear: the higher the number -- 1, 3, 5, 7 -- the higher the price. And BMW's dual-kidney grille is used uniformly across the product line, whereas the M-B three-pointed star moves from the hood to the grille and comes in two or more sizes. Advantage:BMW |