

Chip Lebovitz 2012-07-17

    上个月,宝马(BMW)和梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes Benz)在48小时之内前后发布了两则只在网络上播放的广告。很快这两则广告都被网友疯狂地传播,不过它们的风格却大不相同。奔驰的广告《接球》(The Catch)的主角是刚刚推出的梅塞德斯SLS AMG Roadster跑车、一位F1赛车手和一名职业高尔夫球手。高尔夫球手挥出一杆,F1车手同时驾着Roadster跑车直奔那颗飞出的高尔夫球而去,试图接住那颗球,最后居然接到了。这也创下了一项“行驶中的汽车接到飞得最远的高尔夫球”的吉尼斯世界纪录。梅塞德斯-奔驰不会披露它在单则广告上的花费。不过这个视频的设计给人感觉并没有花很多钱。广告里最昂贵的东西可能就是这台车本身了,它的售价达27.7万美元。

    Last month, BMW and Mercedes Benz each released online-only commercials within 48 hours of one another. Both quickly went viral, but couldn't have been more different. "The Catch" features the just-released Mercedes Benz SLS AMG Roadster, a Formula 1 driver, and a golf pro. The pro tees up, smacking drive after drive while the Roadster screams down a runway, trying to catch the ball. And eventually, it does, setting the Guinness world record for the "Farthest Golf Shot Caught in a Moving Car" in the process. Mercedes doesn't disclose the amount it spends on individual ads, but the video is designed to feel inexpensive. The most expensive thing about it was probably the car, which goes for $277,000.


    那么这两则广告到底谁更成功呢?在视频网站YouTube上,制作更精良的宝马广告比经济省钱的奔驰广告多赢得了130万次点击量。根据Unruly Media公司的“病毒视频”表,宝马的广告《子弹》在Facebook上获得了209,045次分享,超过了奔驰广告《接球》的三倍。另外《子弹》被248篇博文转载,也超过了《接球》一倍。


    "Bullet" depicts BMW's M5 model as a rifle round fired into an open plain. The car smashes through a giant glass apple and three colossal, hanging water balloons before careening through a car-sized bulls eye. The ad is designed to transform the $90,000 M5 into a piece of "high performance art," says Kevin Marcotte, Director of Marketing for BMW Canada. It is scored to classical music.

    So which ad was more successful? BMW's slickly produced video raked in over 1.3 million more YouTube views than the cost-effective Mercedes spot. According to Unruly Media's Viral Video chart, BMW's ad, "Bullet" has at 209,045 Facebook shares, more than three times the amount of the Mercedes ad. "Bullet" has been posted on 248 blog posts -- double that of "The Catch."
