想要招聘优秀工程师吗?顶尖人才可是身价不菲。安德森•霍洛维茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz)科技人才主管香农•卡拉汉称,公司给资深工程师开出210,000至240,000美元底薪的情况屡见不鲜。而且,这还没有包括其他福利待遇。 在科罗拉多州阿斯彭市举办的《财富》科技头脑风暴大会上,卡拉汉与Facebook人力资源副总裁罗莉•戈勒和社交游戏公司Zynga首席人事官科林•麦克格雷利共同接受了《财富》杂志(Fortune)资深编辑帕特里夏•塞勒斯的采访,探讨如何赢得日益激烈的人才争夺战。 为了进行对比,《财富》杂志还邀请了著名体育经纪人卡西•沃瑟曼加入讨论。沃瑟曼指出,科技人才招聘其实就像招募运动员一样。“要挑选出最优秀的百分之五,对他们进行全方位了解。有时候,部分优秀人才可能还是学生。”而下一步,就是从中挑选出最契合公司文化的优秀人才,同时要说服他们,加入你的公司是正确的选择。 参与讨论的各位专家都表示,近几年,科技人才争夺战中的经济因素令人瞠目结舌。初级工程师就能拿到130,000美元的薪酬,这还不包括奖金。而正如安德森•霍洛维茨基金合伙人杰夫•乔丹在发言中所说的,面对最有竞争力的人才,许多公司还会抛出各种额外津贴和特殊待遇的橄榄枝。乔丹在发言中提到了签约奖金,还说在个别情况下,公司甚至授权猎头,开出比竞争对手高出一倍的价码。他说道:“有的工程师每年可以拿到几百万美元。” 之所以产生这种现象,一方面是因为有才华的工程师会被多家公司追逐。Zynga公司的麦克格雷利说:“以前,只有经验丰富的求职者才能获得一对一的面试机会。现在,大量的待业工程师就像从沙地探出头来的土拨鼠,他们并不急于上岗,而是等待和观望。”现如今,工程师们可以在五至六份工作邀请信之间从容地做出选择。 面对这样的竞争态势,初创公司应该靠什么来竞争呢?所有人都达成了一个共识:虽然工程师会收到多份邀请,但他们并非“一切向钱看”。Facebook的戈勒说:“对于Facebook人来说,最重要的是他们能获得影响力 —— 一方面是指个人的影响力,另一方面是投身于一项比小我更加重大的事业,再次,就是与其他Facebook人一起共事的职业经历。” 初创公司可以通过关注生活质量问题赢得优秀人才的青睐。能够招徕最优秀程序员的公司通常都能给他们提供最有意思的挑战。麦克格雷利说:“肯定有人是一切以金钱来衡量的,其实这种人很好对付。但如果你所提供的工作枯燥无味,无法带来乐趣,恐怕再多的钱也留不住人心。” 译者:刘进龙/汪皓 |
Want to hire good engineers? The top talent is going to cost you -- it's not unusual right now for recruiters to offer senior engineers a base salary of $210,000 to $240,000, says Andreessen Horowitz's Technical Talent Partner Shannon Callahan. And that's before the perks. Callahan joined Facebook's (FB) Vice President of People Lori Goler and Zynga (ZNGA) Chief People Officer Colleen McCreary to talk with FortuneEditor-at-large Pattie Sellers about how to win the ever-escalating talent war at Fortune's Brainstorm Tech Conference in Aspen, Co. To add a little contrast, they were joined by famed sports agent Casey Wasserman, who pointed out that tech recruiting is a lot like recruiting athletes. "You find the top five percent and you know who they are. You sometimes find them in high school even." From there, it's about identifying who will fits well within the culture of a company, and convincing them it's a good move. The economics of this proposition have become eye-popping in recent years, according to the panelists. Starting engineers may make $130,000 before bonus. And, as Andreessen Horowitz partner Jeff Jordan pointed out from the audience, that's before companies begin lobbing perks at the strongest candidates. "There are engineers making multiple millions of dollars a year," said Jordan, referencing sign-on bonuses and, in some cases, hiring agents authorized to double the size of a competitor's offer. Partly, that's because talented engineers are getting so many more offers. "It used to be for experienced candidates, it was a one-to-one conversation," said Zynga's McCreary. "Now it's like a groundhog popping their head out of the sand." Engineers are balancing five and six offers. So how can startups compete? Everybody agreed that even with so many offers, engineers are not always entirely motivated by money. Said Facebook's Goler, "What's most important to people at Facebook is the amount of impact they can have -- that's personal impact and also being part of something that is bigger than themselves and working with people at Facebook." Startups can also win top talent by focusing on quality-of-life issues. And the companies that are best able to land the most gifted coders are those with interesting challenges to offer them. Says McCreary: "There are certain people who are just motivated by money and that's the easier thing. But there's no amount of money that can keep someone who is bored." |