2013本田雅阁 竞争对手:丰田凯美瑞、福特Fusion、日产天籁(自右上图开始顺时针方向) 曾经一度让本田(Honda)鹤立鸡群的那种东西如今很大程度上已消失殆尽,就连本田自己似乎也不确定是否能重拾昔日风采。1989到1991年间,本田雅阁曾经是美国最畅销的车型,不过这已经是N年以前的事了。从今年年初到现在,雅阁的销量排在凯美瑞和天籁之后,位列第三名。第九代雅阁搭载了更加节能的全新“地球之梦”发动机,整车重量预计比老款稍轻,功率和造型也均稍强于老款。不过这种改良还不能帮助雅阁重返昔日的辉煌。《人车志》(Car & Driver)杂志提醒道:“老气呆板的威胁仍然存在。” 优势方:除了雅阁之外,其他车型都存在优势 |
2013 Honda Accord The competition: Toyota Camry, Ford Fusion, Nissan Altima (clockwise from upper right) Whatever used to make Honda special has largely vanished, and even Honda seems unsure if it is ever coming back. The Accord was the best-selling automobile in the U.S. from 1989 to 1991, but that feels like eons ago. So far in 2012 it is running third behind Camry and Altima. This ninth-generation Accord with its new, more fuel-efficient "Earth Dreams" engine is expected to be slightly lighter, slightly more powerful and slightly more stylish than its predecessor, but evolutionary improvements won't help return Accord to its former elite status. Warns Car & Driver: "The threat of dullness remains." Advantage: Everyone but the Accord |