我们开始吧…… 本周,有报告称,人们期待已久的苹果(Apple)电视机可能即将面世。苹果公司已经征服了音乐、手机和平板电脑,据传该公司正在同有线电视公司合作,试图再把疆土扩到电视领域。内容创作者、有线电视运营商和广播电视网之间的关系错综复杂,要理顺其中关系不仅困难而且耗费时间。但好处在于,这么长的筹备时间给技术专家和苹果粉丝们创造了大量机会,大家都可以预言一下苹果电视机的真面目会是什么样子。以下是我们觉得最有可能的情况。 (如果我们漏掉了什么,请您在评论中告诉我们。) |
Here we go... Reports surfaced this week that Apple's long-awaited television may be drawing closer to becoming a reality. The Cupertino company that conquered music, phones and tablets is said to be working with cable companies for a shot at doing the very same with TV. Working through the knotted mess of content creators, cable operators, and networks has proven difficult and time consuming. The upside? Such a long lead time has created plenty of opportunity for technology pundits and Apple fanboys alike to prognosticate on what an Apple TV might actually look like. Here's our best guess. (What did we miss? Let us know in the comments.) |