庞蒂克Fiero 1980年代,通用汽车看到了省油的运动型通勤车这个细分市场的潜力,于是推出了Fiero。这是一款造型诱人、排量中等的车型,用零部件箱(parts-bin)里的部件装配而成。一开始,它风靡一时,直到其引擎起火的相关报道传开,销量才一蹶不振。1988年,Fiero正式停产。 复活理由 通用的停产未免有些操之过急。实际上,Fiero第一次上线生产时,通用就对其进行了改进,完全应该给通用一个机会,证明它能把这款车打造得更好。 |
Pontiac Fiero In the 1980s, GM saw a market for a sporty and fuel-efficient commuter car and created the Fiero, a sexy mid-engine design fitted with parts-bin components. The car was popular with consumers until reports of engine fires dampened sales. The Fiero was discontinued in 1988. Why it should be revived GM dropped the hammer too quickly. The automaker actually improved the Fiero during its first production run and deserves a chance to show it can make it even better. |