克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯•德基什内尔 阿根廷总统 世界第21大经济体的领袖费尔南德斯魅力十足。由于国力蒸蒸日上,她在去年的总统改选中轻松连任。不过近几个月来,她的光芒开始变得黯淡。国家的通胀率估计每年高达25%,而她在经济上管制过于严格,在今年也引发了大规模的抗议。最近的投票表明,72%的阿根廷人不满意政府管理经济的方式。 |
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner President, Argentina Fernández is the charismatic chief of the world's 21st largest economy. Credited for a dramatic rise in prosperity that led to her easy reelection last year, her star has faded somewhat in recent months. Inflation in the country is estimated to be as high as 25% annually, and her tight controls over the economy have triggered widespread protests this year. A recent poll indicated 72% of Argentinians disapprove of their government's handing of the economy. |