

Scott Cendrowski 2012-10-18
马克•莫比乌斯(Mark Mobius)

    这些年来,马克•莫比乌斯赢得了不少称号,比如“新兴市场教父”、“环球旅行家”等,所有这些称号都源于同一个事实:这位现年73岁的投资者长时间以来一直是华尔街最爱冒险的投资者之一。他投资发展中市场已经长达40多年,对世界增长最快的地区拥有罕见的洞察力。如今莫比乌斯担任着弗兰克林-邓普顿(Franklin Templeton)新兴市场集团董事长的职位,管理着450亿美元的资产,正在押下与众不同的赌注。他认为,中国超强的增长趋势将得以延续,而欧洲能通过自救,避免毁灭。对于中国,他表示,“人们过于悲观了。”在欧洲,他认为即使决策层仍在努力忙着解决大问题,一些规模较小的国家颇有价值。(他对此充满信心。)喜欢穿白西装、打亮色领带的莫比乌斯从他在新加坡的办公室接受了《财富》杂志(Fortune)记者的电话采访。以下是经过编辑的采访摘要:







    Mark Mobius has picked up a variety of nicknames over the years -- the Pied Piper of Emerging Markets, the Globetrotter -- but all of them are inspired by the same fact: The 73-year-old has long been one of Wall Street's most adventurous investors. After more than four decades of investing in developing markets, he has rare insight into the world's fastest-growing regions. Today Mobius, who as chairman of the emerging-markets group at Franklin Templeton manages $45 billion in assets, is betting against the crowd. He believes that China's superpowered growth will continue and thatEurope will save itself from utter destruction. On China, he says, "People have gotten too pessimistic." And in Europe he's finding gems in smaller countries even as policymakers work to solve the big issues. (He's confident they will.) Mobius, who favors white suits and bright ties, spoke by phone with Fortune from his office in Singapore. Here are edited excerpts:

A lot of people are skeptical about China's GDP growth now. You say the growth rate is 7%. But is it real?

    I know a lot of people have questioned the statistics coming out of China, but if you look at independent statistics as related to China -- for example, exports from the West, from Japan, from Germany to China -- you will see that the growth rates are very healthy. Now, it's clear that there's a deceleration of growth taking place, but that deceleration doesn't mean that China's not growing. Even at the most pessimistic forecast, you're probably looking at 5% growth, which is five times higher than what the U.S. or Europe is doing.

So why haven't Chinese stocks gone anywhere this year?

    One of the reasons the stock market in China has not performed very well is because of the tremendous number of new issues, or IPOs. Last year they totaled about $250 billion in all emerging markets -- and a large portion of that was just in China. This year it will probably be about the same. When you have that kind of new paper coming in, it tends to draw money away from the secondary market, and the stock markets tend to underperform. It's not going to last forever. There will be an evening out as more money comes into these markets.

Why do you own so many big energy companies, such as Russia's Lukoil and Gazprom and China's PetroChina?

    One of the things that we notice as we travel around the world, whether it be in China or Africa or anywhere else, is an incredible appetite for energy driven by the tremendous increase in transportation but also by the increased consumption of refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, computers, laptops, iPhones -- you name it. All of this requires power, and that power is most efficiently produced by coal and by oil. All the fears about commodity prices declining have been overdone. Over the long term, the trends are very clear: Commodity prices will continue to rise.
