Don Reisinger
任天堂一度借Wii赢得风光无限,这款创新性的体感游戏手柄曾经风靡全球,持续多年热销。然而现在,它已经成为明日黄花,任天堂也随之陷入困境。任天堂终于决定停止Wii主机业务,在本月中旬推出Wii U。然而,时过境迁,新产品能否复制前辈的辉煌还有待观察。
那么,到底出了什么问题?Wii的局限性使任天堂受到了沉重打击。如今,高清电视已成为标配。在这种情况下,缺少高清游戏让Wii在全球范围内越发受到困扰。同时,Wii的内部组件不像Xbox 360和PS 3那样性能强大,这让游戏公司在制作Wii游戏时受到了限制。看到这些不利迹象,任天堂准备在几周内推出Wii U。但它是否能像Wii一样成功还有待观察。 |
So, what happened? The company has also been hit hard by the Wii's limitations. Its lack of HD is becoming an increasingly troublesome issue in a world where HDTVs have become the norm. And because the Wii's internal components are not as powerful as those in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, game makers are limited in what they can give Wii owners. Seeing the writing on the wall, Nintendo is preparing to launch the Wii U in weeks. But whether it'll be able to achieve the same level of success as its predecessor remains to be seen. |