

Dan Primack 2012-12-19

    诚然,购买某家上市公司的股票和投资某家承诺实现组合多元化的私募股权基金两者是有区别的。也就是直接和间接的区别。但另一方面,我们也可以看到有些机构投资者(a)只投资一些承诺不会进行某些类型投资(如武器、烟草等)的基金, 或者(b)坚持其资金不参与此类不良投资,这样就不会成为间接股东了。


    “显然,你可以说这家公司的产品属于21条风险因素,特别是与人类健康相关的那条,” 加州教师退休基金的发言人理查多·杜然说。“但有很多产品取决于使用者是否负责任,在这个案例中它是不负责任地使用了……现在发生了这样的悲剧事件,我相信我们未来会讨论这个问题。”





    塞伯路斯没有对多次置评请求做出回应。另外没有置评的还有私募股权公司Bruckmann, Rosser, Sherrill & Co.。这家公司将Remington防务公司卖给了塞伯路斯,如今仍持有武器周边公司Magpul Industries。


    To be sure, there is a difference between buying a listed company's stock and investing in a private equity fund that promises to build out a diversified portfolio. Direct versus indirect. But it also is true that certain institutional investors either, (a) Only invest in private equity funds that pledge not to make certain types of investments (e.g., firearms, tobacco, etc.), or (b) Insist that its money be carved out of any such offending investment, so that the institution does not become an indirect shareholder.

    Unfortunately, CalSTRS has not taken either tack.

    "Clearly you can make a case that this company's products fall within the 21 risk factors, particularly the one regarding human health," says CalSTRS spokesman Ricardo Duran. "But there are a lot of products that can be used responsibly or irresponsibly, and in this case it was used irresponsibly... Now that a tragic event like this has occurred, I'm sure that it is something that we will be discussing going forward."

    When I followed up by asking if CalSTRS had such a discussion after a Bushmaster rifle was used in the Aurora movie theater shooting, Duran said he did not know. Also worth noting that Cerberus itself is not returning requests for comment.

    There has been a lot of talk in the past several days about how to prevent the next massacre, with suggestions ranging from strengthened gun control legislation to improved mental health infrastructure. And, for the record, I support both.

    But I also think that it's time for our large nonprofit institutions to put some of their money where their mission is. Profit should be the primary goal of their investment offices, but not at the expense of their broader purposes. If a schoolteachers union or university endowment or nonprofit foundation truly cares about stopping the next mass killing, then they should not provide capital that produces the instruments of such destruction.

    For many gun enthusiasts, semi-automatic rifles like the .223 Bushmaster is about sport and individual liberty. For Freedom Group, they are about profit. If the company were unable to find private investors unless it changed internal policy -- perhaps by only supplying such weaponry to police departments and military -- then Freedom most likely would do so. Capital is, of course, the root of capitalism.

    Cerberus did not return repeated requests for comment. Also not commenting was private equity firm Bruckmann, Rosser, Sherrill & Co., which sold Remington to Cerberus and still owns firearms peripherals company Magpul Industries.
