Mina Kimes, Beth Kowitt
精品快餐 奇波特(Chipotle)和帕尼罗(Panera)这类快速休闲餐厅的崛起已经冲击了快餐连锁业的市场。传统的快餐连锁企业锁定低价食品市场,而它们的竞争对手则攫取了更高的利润。怀特曼说,明年传统快餐将开始反击,在菜单上增加高利润率的顶级产品,与快速休闲餐厅展开竞争。怀特曼用牛油果汉堡和“手工”披萨作为例子:“快餐店试图在食物便宜之外找到新的理由,吸引消费者上门。” 译者:周详 |
Fancy fast food The rise of fast casual restaurants like Chipotle and Panera has hurt fast food chains, which were confined to lower price points as their rivals reaped greater profits. Now they want to compete in the space by adding higher-margin premium items, says Whiteman, who points to examples like avocado-laden burgers and "handmade" pizza. "They're trying to give people reasons to come in other than the el cheap stuff," he says. |