

Andy Serwer 2012-12-26

    这场飓风爆发后不久,罗宾汉基金会就成立了一个由马弗里克资本公司(Maverick Capital)执行合伙人李·安斯利担任主席的救灾委员会,成员包括辛普森撒切尔公司(Simpson Thatcher)合伙人维多利亚·比约克隆德、前董事会成员德克·齐夫、基尔南风险投资公司(Kiernan Ventures)的彼得·基尔南,以及计算机贸易公司(Computer Trading Corp)CEO彼得·博里什。该委员会迅速利用其深厚的关系网络(多为《财富》500强企业和各大公司的高管),为12/12/12演唱会创建了一个合作公司名册。从联合呈现合作伙伴——其中既包括大通银行(Chase)、通用电气(GE)、贝莱德(Blackrock)、国家农场保险(State Farm)、达美航空(Delta)、百事可乐(Pepsi)、时代华纳有线(Time Warner Cable)和NRG等美国本土公司,还包括许多外国公司,比如现代(Hyundai)、三星(Samsung)和雀巢子公司波兰泉(Poland Spring),到移动支付公司Foursquare、谷歌(Google)、Facebook、贝宝(PayPal)、快变(Shazam)和Twitter等数字合作伙伴,再到麦迪逊广场花园(Madison Square Garden)、清晰频道(Clear Channel)和韦恩斯坦公司(Weinstein Company)等活动组织者,这个名单读起来就像是一个商界名人录。实际上,参与救援活动的公司数量仅次于无偿演出的摇滚明星阵容,而这些明星则包括滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)、布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷、保罗·麦卡特尼、埃里克·克莱普顿、艾莉西亚·凯斯、谁人乐队(The Who)和坎耶·维斯特等等(读者可以在iTunes上观看这场星光熠熠的演唱会,所得款项将捐给罗宾汉基金会)。



    Soon after the storm hit, Robin Hood set up a relief committee which includes board chair Lee Ainslie, Managing Partner of Maverick Capital, board member Victoria Bjorklund, partner at Simpson Thatcher, as well as former board member Dirk Ziff, along with Peter Kiernan of Kiernan Ventures and Peter Borish, CEO of Computer Trading Corp. The committee quickly tapped into its deep network of Fortune 500 companies and executives to create a list of corporate partners for the 12/12/12/ concert that reads like a Who's Who of business. From presenting partner Chase, to GE, Blackrock, State Farm, Delta, Pepsi, Time Warner Cable and NRG, to foreign companies like Hyundai, Samsung and Nestle subsidiary Poland Spring, to digital partners; Foursquare, Google, Facebook, PayPal, Shazam and Twitter, to event organizers Madison Square Garden, Clear Channel and the Weinstein Company. Indeed, the number of businesses helping out was exceeded only by the roster of pro bono rockers which included The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Alicia Keys, The Who, Kanye West and on and on. (The concert is available at iTunes. Proceeds go to Robin Hood.)

    The effect of Sandy was so huge it has caused Robin Hood to alter its mandate, if only temporarily. Until now Robin Hood has stuck strictly to its mission of fighting poverty and helping those in need in New York City. But in this case, "we decided to work in hard hit areas in New Jersey, Long Island and Westchester," says Saltzman. "The hurricane didn't respect boundaries drawn by human beings."  Millions in the New York City area, and indeed around the world are taking joy in that decision and indeed in Robin Hood's efforts overall.
