Kindle Fire HD平板,199美元 最新款的Kindle平板在各个方面都超越了前任,它的屏幕显示效果更清晰,运行更流畅。而且装备了惊人强大的双扬声器,表现甚至优于全尺寸的iPad。 |
Kindle Fire HD, $199 The latest Kindle tablet trumps its predecessor in every way, with a sharper screen, smoother performance and a surprisingly powerful pair of speakers that trumps even the full-sized iPad's. |
威瑞森Jetpack移动热点,270美元 威瑞森公司(Verizon)的Jetpack移动热点一次最多可以连接10台设备。它的大屏幕和电池续航能力受到了评论人士的欢迎。Jetpack移动热点是商务旅行者的理想伴侣——连接,然后方便地使用随身携带的设备。 |
Verizon Jetpack Mobile Hotspot, $270 Verizon's Jetpack can connect up to 10 devices at once and critics liked the Jetpack's large screen and battery life. The Jetpack is an ideal companion for business travelers -- connect and then simply toss the device in your bag. |
三星Galaxy Camera相机,499美元 如果你已经拥有了智能手机时,为什么还要买相机呢?三星公司携其Galaxy Camera给了我们理由。这是一款装备4.8英寸屏幕并内置照片和视频编辑软件的相机,它甚至还能使用应用程序和玩游戏。 |
Samsung Galaxy Camera, $499 Why buy a camera when you have a smartphone? Samsung showed us why with its new Galaxy Camera, which boasts a massive 4.8-inch display along with built in photo and video editing software. The camera even has access to apps and games. |