

ALEX TAYLOR III 2012-12-31


尽管顾客可能并不在乎,但汽车评测人员却给了2012本田思域(Honda Civic)不少差评,称它造型平庸、内饰粗糙、操控性一般。本田则表示会做出改变。本田美国高级副总裁约翰•蒙代尔表示:“我们会认真对待反馈,不管它来自什么人,而且我们也会迅速做出相应动作。”事实上他们也的确这样做了。本田提前一年对思域启动了中期改款,将它的外观和内饰都进行了重新设计,增加了一些标准配置,同时改进了驾驶体验。一位评测人员在《汽车趋势》(Motor Trend)杂志中写道:“本田似乎又找回了理想状态。”

Most disliked car of 2011 redeemed

Although customers didn't seem to mind, reviewers panned the 2012 Honda Civic (above) for its bland styling, cheesy interior, and indifferent handling, so Honda promised a change. "We take feedback seriously, regardless of who it's from, and we will act accordingly quickly," John Mendel, American Honda executive vice president, said at the time. They did. Honda bumped up its planned mid-cycle refresh ahead by a year, redesigning the Civic inside and out, adding standard features and improving driving dynamics. Wrote an admiring reviewer for Motor Trend: "Honda appears to have gotten its groove back."


雪佛兰(Chevy)的Malibu Eco轿车由于内部空间狭窄、燃油经济性差以及价格过高等原因,遭到了异口同声的口诛笔伐,因而在今年年中的最受差评车型排行榜上荣膺榜首。通用汽车(General Motors)CEO丹•阿克森对《汽车新闻》(Automotive News)表示,迈瑞宝(Malibu)也将提前迎来改款。阿克森没有宣布任何细节,不过他对Malibu的改款仍然保持信心:“我认为它是一辆好车,它会好起来的。”

Most disliked car of 2012

Chevy's Malibu Eco was the hands-down leader at midyear for most-disliked honors, winning near-universal criticism for its lack of interior space, poor fuel economy, and high price. With sales weak, General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) CEO Dan Akerson has revealed to Automotive News that Malibu, too, would receive an earlier-than-scheduled facelift. No details were announced, and Akerson kept his enthusiasm about the redo in check. "I think it's a good car. It'll do OK."



Biggest sales surprise: The good kind

Last year, Chrysler sold fewer than 20,000 Fiat 500s -- about half as many as expected. So far this year, it has sold more than 36,000 of the tiny cars. What changed? Fiat canceled a controversial ad campaign starring Jennifer Lopez, redirected a marketing campaign aimed mostly at women, and added the high-performance Abarth version with 60% more horsepower. Coming in 2013 is another model variant, the 500L -- that's "L" for large -- that will have four doors instead of two.
