

ALEX TAYLOR III 2012-12-31


今年上市的道奇达特(Dodge Dart)可谓开局不利。11月份的销量比10月有所下跌,而且克莱斯勒已经积压了112天的存货。评测人员普遍认为,作为一款紧凑车型,道奇达特没有什么可向消费者推荐的亮点。克莱斯勒表示无须为此担心,这是一个选择的问题。克莱斯勒的一位发言人称:“我们只是还没弄清楚,顾客到底想要哪些配置。”不过到12月初,道奇达特的存货已经积压了40,000台,显然道奇达特也应像菲亚特500一样有所行动。克莱斯勒希望明年推出一款引擎马力更大的高性能R/T版本扭转颓势。

Biggest sales surprise: Not-so-good kind

Launched this spring, Dodge's Dart has stumbled coming out of the gate. Sales fell in November from the month before, and Chrysler has accumulated a 112-day supply. Reviewers found little in the Dart to recommend to buyers shopping for a compact car. Not to worry, Chrysler says, it is a problem about choices: "We just haven't figured out what configurations our customers want," a spokesperson said. But with 40,000 unsold Darts on the ground at the beginning of December, Dart needs a Fiat-style reboot. It hopes to get one when a super-slick R/T model with a bigger engine arrives in the new year.



Bad news for Detroit

For some time, Toyota (TM) has been the largest selling retail brand in America. In November,Toyota became the second-best-selling brand overall (fleet sales included) beating Chevrolet by 87 units. Sales of Camry, Toyota's best-selling model, enjoyed their best month in five years, while sales of the Silverado pickup, Chevy's most popular model, plunged when Chevy declined to match incentives offered by competitors. Left with huge inventories of unsold trucks, a 139-day supply, Chevy belatedly put some more cash on the hood in December.



More bad news for Detroit

ALG, formerly Automobile Lease Guide, identified the 2013 models in each of 22 -- count 'em, 22 -- segments that are forecast to retain the highest percentage of their sticker price after three years of ownership. Not a single one came from the Detroit Three. Honda and Acura were the winning mainstream and premium brands, while Toyota had the highest number of top-ranked models. It even swept the pickup category, formerly an all-American segment, with Tundra beating out Ford F-150, Silverado, and Dodge Ram.
