

Stephen Gandel 2013-01-22

    2012年,摩根士丹利的投资银行业务几乎全面滑坡,甚至连去年担任Facebook公司 IPO主承销商的股票承销业务也表现不佳。这宗上市后表现大失所望的IPO最终成了摩根士丹利的心头痛。最近,摩根士丹利同意向马萨诸塞州证券监管部门支付500万美元罚金,了结与其担任Facebook公司 IPO主承销商相关行为的指控。



    For the year, nearly every area of Morgan Stanley's investment banking business showed a decline. Even Morgan Stanley's stock underwriting business stumbled, despite being the lead underwriter of Facebook's IPO last year. The deal, which came off much worse than expected, ended up being another black eye for the firm. Morgan Stanley recently agreed to pay a $5 million fine to the Massachusetts securities regulator to settle claims related to behavior of its lead banker surrounding the IPO.

    The firm's headcount reflected troubles at the firm, and on Wall Street in general. Morgan Stanley cut 700 staffers during the last three months of the year. The firm recently announced plans to lay off an additional 1,600 employees. Despite the cuts, Morgan Stanley still ended up spending 52% of its annual revenue on compensation. Activist hedge fund investor Daniel Loeb, who recently disclosed that he had been buying Morgan Stanley's shares, has said that he thinks salaries at the firm, which have come down in recent years, are still too high. On average, Morgan Stanley paid its employees $273,777 in 2012. Goldman devoted just 36% of its revenue to compensation last year. Bowing to pressure, Morgan Stanley recently said it will pay much of its employees' bonuses in stock, and that those shares will be deferred over three years.
