

Nina Easton 2013-01-29







    Cameron wants to give small businesses, "engines of job creation," an exemption from burdensome EU regulations. In the U.S., small businesses cite regulatory burdens -- including the costs of Obamacare -- at the top of the list of factors holding back their growth.

    Cameron plans to lead the charge on "actively, aggressively" pushing for free trade agreements, including one between the European Union and the U.S. that he said would mean millions of jobs – on his side of the pond alone. Under Obama, free trade deals have ground to a halt, even as other countries continue to churn out bilateral agreements with each other.

    Obama may be home-focused, but events have a way of interrupting that intention -- following the inauguration this week, legislators hosted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for a grilling on the attacks in Benghazi and Sen. John Kerry for a round of questions about potentially taking over Clinton's job. But Cameron sees a vigorous free global market as a force for good.

    Cameron has been to the WEF seven times; three as Prime Minister. For the populist-minded Obama, the optics of attending Davos don't fit: this is a viper's den of financial elites, the 1% of the 1%, brimming with "millionaires and billionaires" who -- he likes to remind voters -- don't carry their "fair share" of the nation's financial burden.

    But Cameron was more than pleased to step up to the plate as a clear champion of the free market, even as he makes bold plans to level the playing field. "I yield to no one in my enthusiasm for capitalism," he said. "I will have no truck with those who want to demonize the successful." Which begs the question: Did Cameron have his U.S. counterpart in mind with that not-so-subtle dig?
