理性至上的时尚新贵:Trina Turk

理性至上的时尚新贵:Trina Turk

《财富》 2013-03-01
创立服装品牌Trina Turk时,设计师特里娜•特克并没有一个商业规划,但却在激烈的市场竞争中站稳了脚跟,还在纽约时装周举行了首场发布会。近日她接受《财富》采访,畅谈了没有商业规划、直接创立服装品牌的利与弊。










    How was your first Fashion Week? Was it crazy?

    The most interesting thing was that we hired a production company, a stylist, and a casting director, all of whom work on these fashion shows all the time, and they all said, "Wow, you guys are so organized."

    I think there's a lot of drama in our industry, and I think there's a lot of all-nighters right before the show, and we didn't really do that at all. We all got eight hours of sleep.

    In my mind, designers preparing for Fashion Week are throwing fabric around, making unreasonable demands.

    Yeah, I mean, I guess it could be that way. I think that some people perhaps thrive on that kind of drama, but I don't.

    How do you keep calm in such a cutthroat industry?

    I have worked for some, how shall we say it, strong personalities in some atmospheres that I didn't really think were very productive. I just wanted to have a workplace where everybody treated everybody with respect, whether they were the guy who was packing the box in the warehouse or the CEO.

    That's one thing that I feel like we've accomplished here. I don't think I'm deluding myself to say that most of the people who work here enjoy working here. In the scheme of our industry, I think it's about as pleasant as it could possibly be.
