

Michael Fitzpatrick 2013-04-11


    据某些权威人士表示,原因就出在所谓的“死亡谷综合症”(Death Valley Syndrome)上。或者说,日本的创新,在研发阶段还活力四射、前景可期,却很少能够跨过科研与商业化之间的那道坎儿。就如一位不愿透露姓名的官方人员所形容的,日本“精于技术,但不懂经营”。“日本高水平的基础研究和卓越的技术被过于严苛的管制、纵向一体化的管理捆住了手脚。科研人员和制造商之间的代沟在很多时候都阻碍了杰出的研发成果投入到实践的进程,也就是所谓的‘死亡谷’难题。”






    The world's first sterilizable, flexible organic transistor; mobile apps that can measure your pulse just by imaging your face; X-ray machines that capture not just bone but cancer tissue, too. These are just a few of the technologies being developed in Japan now, where an industry has grown around the world-beating longevity of the country's people. So why don't we see "Made in Japan" stamped more often on medical instruments or other products in the medical field?

    The answer, according to some pundits, is the so-called Death Valley Syndrome. In other words, Japanese innovation, full of vitality and promise at the R&D level, rarely makes it across the perilous divide between research and commercialization. Japan is "good at technology but poor in business" as one official who declined to be named puts it. "Its high levels of basic research and superior technology are hampered by too-strict regulations, vertically integrated administration. And the gap between researchers and manufacturers is, in many cases, preventing brilliant R&D results from being put into practical use -- the 'Death Valley' problem."

    Practicing some of the highest levels of innovation, professionalism, and care seen anywhere, Japanese medicine so far has been famously under-exploited. As a result, Japan's imports of medicines and medical equipment trounces exports. The country's medicine imports exceeded exports by about 1 trillion yen last year. That is something the newly elected government, led by Shinzo Abe, means to fix immediately.

    In February, Tokyo announced that it would establish an Office for Health Care and Medical Strategy charged with getting some of Japan's exceptional but languishing R&D efforts to market. The office aims to establish Japan as the most advanced in medical technologies and health care services in the world. The P.M., so sure of the potential strength of the sector, has made it one of the "three arrows" of his so-called Abenomics policy plan to revive Japan's flagging economy. The government aims to "develop the medical sector, pharmaceutical products, and medical devices and equipment as strategic industries that will form a key pillar for Japan's economic revitalization," says chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga who launched the health care office last month.

    In addition, deregulated areas, such as a large stretch of coast that straddles Tokyo's neighboring cities, have been designated special zones dedicated to getting innovation out of the labs and into the hands of private companies. Tax breaks and government funds are available to labs and firms in the region. Strict regulations that apply elsewhere in Japan on medical trials are looser here, say officials

    So far the deregulated zone has made it possible to develop an advanced surgery simulator that allows inexperienced doctors to perform simulated surgery training, virtually, without the need for human guinea pigs. Other companies have jointly developed an ultrasound kit miniaturized for home use. Clinical trails at home were made possible because the site, Yokohama, now falls outside Japan's regulated zone that would ban home use.

    Japanese medical technology is also to be aggressively marketed abroad, says Hideaki Nakagaki, a director general of the Office of Health Care Policy. "There is a huge market here for health, longevity. We were looking at the domestic market, but now we will be focusing on overseas sales, too." His committee should have concrete policies on this subject by summer, he adds.
