2009年:土星 罗杰•史密斯“与众不同的汽车公司”更换过好几个不同的品牌理念,最后被心怀嫉妒的内部竞争品牌踩在脚下,这个理念在结束其短暂的生命之前还消耗了通用汽车公司数十亿美元的投资。回首过去,从开始到结束,它一直是一个大杂烩。土星(Saturn)在1990年作为低成本高质量美国制造业的试验品诞生,又以高价进口了德产汽车欧宝(Opels)结束。临死前的最后一搏是计划由雷诺-日产(Renault-Nissan)接管其生产,并由超级经销商罗杰•彭斯克接手销售业务。然而这项计划最终宣布破产,土星也因此进入了历史课本,成为商学院讨论眼高手低现象的商业案例素材。 |
2009: Saturn Roger Smith's "different kind of car company" went through several different brand concepts, fell victim to jealous internal competitors, and absorbed billions of dollars in GM's treasure before ending its brief life. In retrospect, it was a mash-up from start to finish. Saturn began life in 1990 as an experiment in low-cost, high-quality U.S. manufacturing and ended by importing German-made Opels at high euro-denominated prices. A last-minute scheme by Renault-Nissan to take over production of the cars and for superdealer Roger Penske to distribute them collapsed, and Saturn went into the history books as a business school case study in overreaching. |