重要的行车助手 现如今新车的选装配置清单就像中餐馆的菜单,很容易让人挑花了眼。有各种设备可以辅助司机行车、刹车、并线、避免碰撞、并排停车等。有专家相信,到2020年自动驾驶汽车将成为现实,但是现实中没有人想等到自动驾驶汽车的GPS系统和激光雷达完全成熟了再买车。目前某些高端新车从某种程度上说已经是在自动驾驶了。 我喜欢任何能让驾驶变得更安全、更简单和更有效率的东西。但是危险可能潜伏在我们意想不到的地方。如果你把新买的一辆极为先进的新车换成一款旧车,或是配置不那么齐全的车会怎样?旧车能像讴歌(Acura)RLX的自适应巡航控制系统那样帮你避开路上的其它车辆吗?对不起,这辆旧车没有能够控制刹车的自适应巡航系统,所以追尾是难免的。 考虑到这一点,我列出了一份重要的行车配置清单,我认为这些配置应该安装在每一辆汽车上。不可否认这份清单带有浓厚的个人观点。其中有些配置是安全性配置,有一些配置能提供数据,还有一些配置能提高行车的舒适性和娱乐性。它们共同的特点是,如果一辆车里没有清单里的某些配置,我就会很想念它们。你自己的选择可能和我有出入,不过以下就是我的建议。 |
Essential assists The list of electronic aids available on new cars today resembles the menu for a Chinese restaurant. There are devices to help drivers steer, brake, see, change lanes, avoid collisions, and parallel park. The self-driving autonomous car may become reality by 2020, as experts believe, but no one need wait for its GPS systems and laser radar to become commercialized until it gets here. Some high-end new models practically drive themselves. I'm in favor of anything that makes driving safer, easier, and more efficient. But danger can lurk in unexpected places. What happens if you exchange your Starship Enterprise for an older model or one that is less well-equipped? Expect the cruise control to automatically keep you from colliding with the vehicle in front of you the way your Acura RLX does? Sorry, the car you're driving doesn't have an adaptive system that applies the brakes. CRASH! With that in mind, I've composed an admittedly very personal list of essential assists that should be in every car. Some are for safety, others provide data, and still others make the ride more comfortable and entertaining. Their common denominator is that I miss them when they aren't there. Your own choices may differ, but here are mine: |
(1)一键启动/无钥匙启动 我喜欢当我走近一辆汽车里时,它能自动解锁亮灯,而且不用从口袋或钱包里往外掏钥匙。当然,总有人在使用代客泊车服务的时候忘了把车钥匙交给泊车司机,不过考虑到它的便利性,这点小代价是值得的——尤其是在大冷天里。 |
1. Push-button ignition/keyless start I love walking up to a car that unlocks and lights up by itself and then starts without pulling the key out of your pocket or purse. Yes, there is always the danger of forgetting to hand the key over to the parking valet, but that is a small price to pay for the convenience -- especially on a cold day. |