

John Patrick Pullen 2013-06-14



Sprout:这家公司的首席执行官玛莎•斯威策称,久坐就是新型的吸烟。企业的人力资源部门也认可这种说法。要知道,2012年各企业在员工健康上的总开销高达80亿美元。这家位于多伦多的Nike+入孵企业已经凭借一款企业应用赚得50万美元。这款应用能帮企业跟踪、管理并辅导员工的健康事宜。用上能量腕带后,Sprout就能帮助企业测量员工的运动情况,并激励员工接受企业领导赋予的更大挑战。斯威策称,如果病假增多,生产效率低下,保险索赔增加,那些病怏怏的不太健康的员工会让各大企业花掉9,000亿美元之巨。而如果不再搞那种效果难以衡量的公司垒球队,转而资助Sprout开发的这类应用,企业就能更好地衡量自己在保健上的投资回报率。这家公司现有的客户是多伦多道明银行(TD Bank)和麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Company),并正与50个著名品牌商谈,如可口可乐(Coca-Cola)和全美冰球联盟(National Hockey League),以拓展客户群。它的募资目标是100万美元。

Totem:从开展一场Tough Mudder比赛(一种十分流行的商业运动——译注)到摘草莓,每天都有人想分享自己的历险故事——这就是这家位于纽约的创业公司的理念。公司首席执行官阿历克斯•豪威尔想让用户的手机和能量腕带收集所有这类信息,以帮助讲述这类体验。Totem与Facebook、社交网站Path、图片分享网站Instagram和Nike+这类平台同步,打造独特运动之旅的明信片。比如,如果用户要从布鲁克林骑行前往皇后区,Totem就能把用户一路上标有GPS信息的照片、视频、签到和微博分好类,以便能在线分享,或与其他也想活动的Totem用户共享。整合了能量腕带后,这家公司又开发了“过关模式”,也就是用更大的挑战激发用户行动起来。它的募资额为50万美元,这笔钱将主要用来打造团队。作为一家初创企业,它自己也刚刚踏上历险的征程。(财富中文网)


HighFive: Advertising doesn't usually get the pulses pumping for the active set, but HighFive, a Boston-based ad network for health and fitness apps turned a lot of heads during its presentation. With the idea that a little encouragement can go a long way, co-founder Brent Gilmore showed how targeted ads that gave a reward after your tenth yoga class, for example, are a great way to create high-impact experiences for a print. Already rolled out into the popular CrossFit app myWOD, HighFive experienced 44% redemption rates -- and redeeming even meant entering an email address. Brands are charged on a pay-per-click model. News of a partnership with EA Sports' (EA) Yogafy app drew applause from the crowd. And with 25,000 health and fitness apps on the market -- 90% of which are free -- Highfive already has 10 paying customers, and seven of its Nike+ peers are integrating the ad platform into their apps.

Nextstep.io: Like Mint makes sense of your money so you can hit your financial goals, NextStep wants to help people hit their fitness goals by rethinking their daily activities. To put it in terms that hit home, CEO John Schnipkoweit demonstrated how the app could extend a users' life by two years, simply by walking to the farther-away coffee shop for her daily afternoon cup. By connecting to services like Google Calendar (GOOG), the Cedar Rapids, Iowa-based service can suggest things like turning sitting meetings into walking one-on-ones. Looking to raise $350,000, the company plans to build runway and connect to more data sources in its search to make sense of the quantified self.

Sprout: Sitting is the new smoking, says Sprout CEO Martha Switzer, and with $8 billion spent on corporate wellness in 2012, human resource departments agree. This Toronto-based Nike+ participant has already pulled together $500,000 with an enterprise app that helps companies track, manage, and mentor employee wellness. With FuelBand integration, Sprout helps companies measure employee activity and motivate employees with company leader board challenges. Using more sick days, having lower productivity, and filing more insurance claims, inactive, unhealthy employees cost companies $900 billion, says Switzer, and by forgoing immeasurable programs like the company softball team for programs like Sprout, they'll be able to better quantify their return on investment. Already working with clients like TD Bank (TD), and McKinsey & Company, and in conversations with 50 major brands for more customers like Coca-Cola (KO) and the National Hockey League, the company is looking to raise $1 million.

Totem: From running a Tough Mudder to picking strawberries, everyone, every day, has an adventure to share. That's the philosophy behind New York City-based Totem, and CEO Alex Howell wants to collect all the information on your mobile phone and Fuelband to help tell those tales. Totem syncs to platforms like Facebook (FB), Path, Instagram, and Nike+, of course, to create interactive postcards of journeys. Take, for example, a bike ride from Brooklyn to Queens. Totem catalogs your GPS-tagged photos, videos, check-ins, and tweets along the way, so you can share them online and with other Totem users looking for things to do. With FuelBand integration, the company is building out "quests," or massive challenges to motivate people to move. And in looking to raise $500,000 to build out its team, the company is just at the beginning of its adventure, too.
