苹果iOS 7最令人惊叹的 11大新功能

苹果iOS 7最令人惊叹的 11大新功能

JP Mangalindan 2013-06-14
iOS 7号称是iPhone诞生以来的最为重大的一次升级。从目前的情况来看,苹果此言非虚。今天我们就为提前为大家点评一下即将在今年秋天与用户见面的手机操作系统。


    苹果的个人数字助手Siri给大家带来完全不同的体验。全新打造的用户界面不必多说,可以同时使用男女两种语音也符合人们的期待。更重要的是,苹果还承诺将提升Siri的应答速度、答案来源也将更多元化。新的Siri更可以完成回电话、播放语音邮件,或者控制iTunes Radio等复杂功能。


    和OSX小牛一样,iOS 7也进行了彻底改造,以实现终极节电。例如,应用程序能利用新的多任务系统判断用户的无线或WiFi信号是否良好。如果信号够好,应用程序就能获取数据——这将消耗电能,如果信号不够好,它们就继续等待。(在信号不好的情况下获取数据会消耗更多电。——译注)

A way better Siri

    You'll notice something different about Apple's spunky digital assistant, and we're not just talking about a new coat of paint, or the fact that Siri sounds more natural with an updated male or female voice. Apple promises faster answers to questions, more sources for Siri to dig through, and the ability to ask it to return calls, play voicemail, and control iTunes Radio.

Better battery life

    Just like OSX Mavericks, iOS7 was designed from the ground up to conserve battery life where possible. As just one example, the new multitasking ability helps apps figure out whether or not users have a good mobile or WiFi Internet connection. Depending on signal strength, apps will fetch data -- drawing energy from the battery in the process -- or hold off.
