苹果iOS 7最令人惊叹的 11大新功能
JP Mangalindan
iOS 7号称是iPhone诞生以来的最为重大的一次升级。从目前的情况来看,苹果此言非虚。今天我们就为提前为大家点评一下即将在今年秋天与用户见面的手机操作系统。
更好的滑动 iOS 7的Safari同样改动不小。新的扁平化按钮隐藏在屏幕下方,直到用户手指滑到附近才出现。如此一来,网页的可视面积更大了。新的标签页呈竖排排列,这和OSX小牛如出一辙,用户只要向下滑动就可轻松切换。 收音机 风传已久的苹果流媒体音乐服务终于登场。它拥有数以百计的标准和自定义频道,用户可以在任何苹果设备(只要不算太旧)上收听音乐。iTunes Radio内置广告,意味着听众会经常听到商业信息,不过iTunes Match的用户可以享受到无广告版。(财富中文网) 译者:项航 |
Scroll master Safari for iOS has received some nips and tucks, namely new flat buttons that stay hidden until users scroll so they can see more of a web page at once. The Reading List follows the same philosophy to its OS X Mavericks counterpart: Going from one story to another means simply scrolling down.Radio Apple's oft-rumored music streaming service has arrived. With hundreds of featured and user-customizable stations, listeners can jam on any contemporary Apple device. iTunes Radio is ad-supported, meaning most listeners will hear the occasional commercial, but iTunes Match subscribers will experience their streamed music ad-free. |