

Keith Proctor 2013-06-28




    即便客户愿意购买太阳能产品,这些公司也依然面临一项销售挑战:购买者或许手头没有足够的现金。举个例子,Fenix的ReadySet售价约150美元。这个价格对于普通乌干达人可是一大笔钱。世界银行(World Bank)的数据显示,乌干达2011年人均国民总收入(GNI)经购买力平价调整后为1,320美元。农村的收入水平甚至更低。根据乌干达统计局2009-2010年度的数据,北方农村地区的年收入不足全国平均水平的一半。






A few kinks …

    Yet in the near term, a number of challenges will check this ambition. Affordable solar is in a nascent stage. Adoption is still quite low. According to Tice, in most of the countries in which d.Light operates, solar use doesn't top 5%. Nowhere is it greater than 10%.

    This is a typical business challenge: How do you convince customers to try something new? For solar companies in Africa, this is aggravated when fly-by-night competitors dump cheap knockoffs into the market. "We're seeing more Chinese generics show up," Lin said. "You have fake batteries being sold. And fake solar panels. That kind of garbage undermines the market."

    Even when customers are willing to buy solar products, these companies face a sales challenge: purchasers may not have enough cash on hand. For example, Fenix's ReadySet costs about $150. For an average Ugandan, that's a serious investment. According to the World Bank, Uganda's 2011 Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, adjusted for purchasing power parity, was $1,320. In villages, income levels are even lower. In the rural north, according to 2009-2010 data from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, annual income is less than half the national average.

    Companies have responded by developing "pay-as-you-go" plans or in-house financing. Fenix recently started to offer microloans to customers purchasing the ReadySet. According to Lin, the company has to date extended $50,000 in credit.

    For solar companies in Sub-Saharan Africa, among the most vexing problems is distribution. In many rural areas, customers are hard-to-reach and may have had little exposure to solar power. Where solar companies can, they team up with established retailers. But this has its limits. For example, while MTN, Africa's largest telecommunications provider, sells the ReadySet through its retail outlets, those outlets are for the most part concentrated in urban areas.

    "Only a very small percentage of potential customers are using solar," said Handler.

    At least for now, she said, familiar energy solutions, like kerosene, remain king.

    "We're having to create a whole new market," said Tice, acknowledging the challenge. "We're creating from scratch entirely new distribution channels."
