隐秘的美:苹果iOS 7的七大新意
JP Mangalindan
虽然iPhone和iPad的全新操作系统iOS 7要等到今年秋季才会与消费者见面,但根据目前的开发者版本,人们已经发现了不少令人惊喜的新元素。
无处不在的视差效果 虽然iOS 7的图标和应用看起来确实“扁平”了,但屏幕的视深绝不成问题。苹果在上个月让大家见识了一把“视差效果”——利用iPhone内置的加速计,控制屏幕上的若干图层以呈现3D效果。举例来说,如果你把iPhone倾斜,将看到主屏幕也会向对应的方面倾斜。 |
A pervasive parallax effect Though things are looking decidedly flatter for icons and apps, depth won't be an issue. This June, Apple offered a peek at how the iPhone's built-in accelerometer will be used to create a "parallax effect," manipulating several visual layers on screen to create a sensation of 3-D. Tilt that iPhone in different directions, for instance, and the home screen will shift perspectives. |