隐秘的美:苹果iOS 7的七大新意

隐秘的美:苹果iOS 7的七大新意

JP Mangalindan 2013-07-03
虽然iPhone和iPad的全新操作系统iOS 7要等到今年秋季才会与消费者见面,但根据目前的开发者版本,人们已经发现了不少令人惊喜的新元素。


    据报道,苹果设计部高级副总裁,伦敦人乔尼•伊夫并不是“拟物化”的追随者。所谓“拟物化”是早期iOS系统的设计哲学,强调将现实世界的元素融入到数字应用中。伊夫将扁平化和透明化带入了iOS 7。它意味着新的图标,包括语音备忘录也有了新形象,而且该应用内部界面也焕然一新,老气的麦克图像变成了更干净、更简约的(声波)图像。(财富中文网)

    “注意:以上所有有关iOS 7的第三方评测均基于开发者版本,待第三季度正式版发布后可能会有所变化。”


All-new icons and design

    London-born Jony Ive, Apple's Senior Vice President of Design, was reportedly not a fan of "skeuomorphism," the design philosophy that led to digital representations of real-world items in earlier version of iOS. So he skewed flatter and more translucent with iOS 7. That means new icons, including one for Voice Memos and a new look inside the app, too, shirking the vintage microphone imagery for a cleaner, minimal-looking graph.

    *Note: These third-party iOS 7 observations are based on developer builds and as such, are subject to change when the official consumer version arrives this fall.
