Alex Taylor III
小众品牌:输家 沃尔沃 一度令瑞典人骄傲的沃尔沃(Volvo)自从被中国企业收购后,由于产品线日趋老化,上半年的销量已下跌6%。今年下半年,沃尔沃将有四款车型重新拉皮上市。这四款车型代表了沃尔沃美国业务的核心,经销商们希望通过它们使销量有所提升,不过看样子沃尔沃实在是很难跟上竞争形势。 |
Niche brands: Loser Volvo The once-proud Swedish automaker, now under Chinese ownership, saw sales fall 6% for its aging product line. Dealers are hoping to get a lift later this year from four face-lifted models that represent the core of its U.S. business, but Volvo is just not keeping up with the competition. |