

 《财富》 2013-07-22




    老实说,我很喜欢呆在湾区。世界上还有什么地方能像这里,这样富有创新精神,而且在距离不远的地方就有这样景色美丽的地方--从旧金山湾到马林县,再到索诺马, 到太浩湖?我想不出哪里还能找到这样的地方。



    但在这次失败中,我有幸从很多出色的人那里学到很多东西。他们包括:Macintosh Finder的共同开发者史蒂夫•凯普斯,他教给我用户界面设计;如今领导苹果公司设计团队的乔尼•伊夫教给我什么成就伟大的工业设计;以及如今管理苹果公司iPad产品营销的迈克•特乔,他教给我什么是创意的战略营销。



    我最近有机会见到了詹姆斯•豪尔,Patz & Hall Winery的创始人之一。






What do you do for fun?

    My wife and I love the outdoors. We hike, run, and ride our road and mountain bikes. When the snow falls, we love to ski.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?

    Honestly, I love being in the Bay Area. Where else do you have this incredible spirit of innovation, combined with some of the most beautiful places in the world in our backyard -- from the San Francisco Bay, to Marin, to Sonoma, to Lake Tahoe? I can't think of another place like it in the world.

What has been your biggest failure?

    I've failed and learned from lots of things. The biggest commercial failure I've been involved with was Apple's Newton, which was pushing the bounds of many technologies, and one that did not work very well which was handwriting recognition.

    Yet I had the good fortune to learn from amazing people during that failure. They include: Steve Capps, who co-developed the original Macintosh Finder and taught me about user interface design; Jony Ive, who today leads Apple's design team and taught me what makes for great industrial design; and Michael Tchao, who runs Apple's iPad product marketing and taught me creative and strategic marketing.

    And I believe that, despite the failure of Newton, it lit the spark that led us, 20 years later, to the current explosion of smartphones and tablets.

What other companies do you admire? Why?

    I recently had a chance to meet James Hall, one of the cofounders of Patz & Hall Winery.

    It's a story of real entrepreneurship. James borrowed a small amount of money from his parents and pooled it with seed capital from his three co-founders. Fueled by a deep passion for making a high-quality product (and some wine!), they slowly built one of the most successful family-owned and -operated wineries in the United States.

What is one characteristic that every leader should possess?

    Every great leader has different characteristics that lead to their success. Jeff Bezos is different from Steve Jobs, who is different from John Chambers, who is different from Bill Gates.

    What makes them similar, though, is that each of them figured out a way to attract and engage other great people. I believe one of their keys to success comes from communicating a compelling vision and giving people the confidence to follow them on the path to what may seem quite crazy at first, yet in hindsight shows true genius.
