

Verne Kopytoff 2013-07-24

    巴克莱银行的报告显示,亚马逊的数字图书业务是否将受到侵蚀在很大程度上取决于公众是否意识到可以从图书馆借阅电子书。尽管从图书馆借阅电子书的人数在不断增加,但知道可以这样做的人依然相对较少。皮尤互联网与美国生活项目(Pew Internet & American Life)去年的一项调查发现,31%的公众知道可以从图书馆借阅电子书,这一比例较2011年的24%有所上升。皮尤研究中心发现,仅有5%的人真正借阅过至少一本电子书,此前一年的比例为3%。


    纽约公共图书馆(The New York Public Library)拥有8.4万种电子书。在截止今年4月份的9个月中,这家图书馆共借出了1,100万册图书,其中7.3%是电子书。




    然而,在去年一直测试这个项目的纽约公共图书馆,销售收入却差强人意。除了亚马逊,图书馆的读者还可以在巴诺书店(Barnes & Noble)和IndieBound书店购买图书。那么这家图书馆究竟从这三家零售商赚取了多少收入呢?只有区区800美元。(财富中文网)


    Public awareness that libraries lend e-books will play a key role in whether Amazon's digital book business erodes, Barclays said. As it is, relatively few people know about borrowing digital books, although their numbers are growing. A survey last year by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 31% of the public was aware that libraries lend e-books, up from 24% in 2011. Only 5% of people actually had checked out a digital book compared with 3% in the prior year, Pew found.

    "E-books are becoming more important, and we do expect them to grow going forward," said Christopher Platt, director of the joint technology team for the New York and Brooklyn public libraries. "Digital is not a boutique service. It's part of the future of the library."

    The New York Public Library has 84,000 e-book titles available. Of the 11 million books checked out during the nine-month period ending in April, 7.3% were e-books.

    One thing the Barclays analyst failed to mention in his report is that Amazon is trying to market itself within libraries. Amazon is among a handful of booksellers that have partnered with OverDrive, a company that supplies libraries with e-book catalogues. People who search a catalogue may see an Amazon "Buy it Now" button if a book, CD, or DVD they want is unavailable. Instead of putting their name on a waiting list, people can simply buy a copy from Amazon and have it shipped to their doorstep.

    "Amazon is willing to support the community," said Rose Dawson, director of the Alexandria Library, which started connecting its patrons with Amazon a few weeks ago. "It will actually draw more people to them."

    Libraries have a financial incentive to play along. For every sale, libraries get a commission of around 10%. It's hard to pass up on the extra money in an era of deep budget cuts. Some libraries like Alexandria's also place an Amazon button on their home pages, which the public can use, in theory, to buy televisions, computers, and cat food in addition to books.

    Sales, however, have been modest at the New York Public Library, which has been testing the program for the past year. In addition to Amazon, library patrons can shop at Barnes & Noble and IndieBound. So how much has the library earned from the three retailers? Just $800.
