多年来,汽车厂商一直采用两种方式应对这种局面:要么设计一款紧凑型车来为时尚机动的生活方式代言,要么在这类车上装满最新科技。比如,雪佛兰(Chevrolet)Spark就把苹果公司(Apple)的语音操控软件Siri整合到了车上。 波士顿大学(Boston College)市场营销教授亚当•巴塞尔表示,这么做行不通。他以本田的Element为例解释说:“这款车最初是为年轻的探险爱好者设计的,可最后证明,那些追求复古、年纪较大的人却喜欢上了它宽敞的后备箱。” 巴塞尔还表示,尽管给车辆搭载最新的智能手机技术能让驾驶更安全,但这还是不太可能吸引得了年轻人。毕竟,一辆车的平均寿命大约在10年左右,而这类小玩意很快就会过时。 巴塞尔还称,不管一款车设计得如何,汽车厂商总能通过富有创意的营销来获得消费者更大的响应。四年前,福特汽车公司(Ford)通过一项社交媒体推广活动来推出紧凑小车嘉年华(Fiesta),成为营销界的宠儿。公司借给100位富有影响力的博主每人一辆嘉年华,让他们试驾一段时间,同时密切关注他们的一举一动,从用这辆车送餐,到号召Twitter和YouTube上的粉丝们唯冠。这款车由此获得大卖。 如果汽车厂商能想出更好的办法,再让开车显得时尚起来,千禧一代也许还会喜欢汽车的。(财富中文网) 译者:清远 |
Over the years, automakers have generally responded in two ways: They've either designed compact vehicles that suggest a kind of hip and mobile lifestyle, or they've loaded these vehicles with the latest technologies. For instance, the Chevrolet Spark has integrated Apple's voice-activated Siri software into the car. Such efforts are misdirected, says Adam Brasel, a marketing professor at Boston College. He goes back to the Honda Element. "It was originally designed for the young adventurer, and as turned out, older people who went antiquing really liked it for the trunk space." And while loading cars up with the latest smartphone technologies could make driving safer, it's unlikely to draw young drivers, Brasel says. After all, the average life of a car is roughly 10 years, and such gadgets quickly become outdated. However a car is designed, automakers will likely get a bigger response through creative marketing, Brasel says. Four years ago, Ford (F) became a marketing darling when it unveiled the Fiesta subcompact car with a social media campaign. The company lent 100 influential bloggers a Fiesta and had them drive it for a while, capturing their adventures doing everything from delivering Meals on Wheels to eloping for all on Twitter and YouTube to see. Sales took off. Millennials may very well learn to like cars again if automakers come up with better ways to make driving look cool again. |