6.人工贪便宜 几十年来,底特律这些车企一直都在寻找工资低廉的天堂,因为这可以让它们大幅削减生产成本。2002年,通用汽车接管破产的大宇公司(Daewoo)的资产时,就认为自己已经成功找到了这种天堂,同时开始在韩国生产小型车。如今通用在亚洲国家的产量占到其总产量的20%还多,而像雪佛兰科鲁兹和别克昂克拉这样的车80%都用于出口。不过有传言称,通用汽车准备在韩国逐步减产,部分原因就在于那儿的人工成本上涨太快了。目前还不清楚它下一步准备去哪儿找更便宜的劳动力——南亚?撒哈拉以南非洲?通用似乎从强大的大众汽车(Volkswagen)学到了一点教训:德国虽然工资很高,但大众始终固守着它在那里的生产基地。 |
6. Fleeing high labor costs Detroit has spent decades searching for the low-wage nirvana that will allow it to cut production costs. General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) thought it had found an answer in 2002 when it took over the assets of the bankrupt Daewoo and started building small cars in Korea. Now the Asian nation accounts for more than 20% of GM's total production, and more than 80% of those cars, like the Chevrolet Cruze and Buick Encore, are exported. But here comes word that GM wants to start phasing out Korean production, partly because labor costs there have risen sharply. No word on where it might go next in search of cheap labor -- Southeast Asia? Sub-Saharan Africa? GM seems to have learned little from mighty Volkswagen, which remains firmly tied to its manufacturing complex in high-wage Germany. |